ok, breathe.

If we are not uncomfortable, we will not move.

It’s ok not to move for a while, though. Take breaks.

Finding a balance is never linear. It’s a bumpy road, a life of waves, but we will find our way to the surface. We got this.

Everyone has something to teach us. Always. No matter what.

Beauty comes in all and so many forms. We have an unlimited amount of ways we can express ourselves and be, but at the end of the day, the core is the same. If we love that core, we are inevitable.

Pursuit of happiness? What we need to be truly happy is already here. Sometimes it simply takes some digging, and some change, to discover what’s right here.  

Yet there’s so much in us that should be here, but was taken away or never given to us. And for that we fight for what rightfully belongs.

There is no one right way to live. We only feel there is one right way if we convince ourselves, or if we have not yet questioned our lives and what we have been taught, or have not done the work to untame ourselves.

Explore, make mistakes, and discover what works for us. What works for your body, your mind, your soul.

Remember that everyone is on their own path of consciousness, and on their own journey.

Empathy and love is key.

Anger and whatever human response you have to the pains of life are completely valid. Feel them.

It’s okay. SCREAM. Cry it out.

To understand our history and our past, the more we will understand ourselves and get closer to healing and becoming the best we can be.

But there is no “best”, because we are always growing. Tomorrow our best will be different than it was yesterday.

Time goes so fast. Be sure to capture it, breathe, and live in the moment.

We are always changing. I am not the same person I was, but I also AM the same person. I am just more. I have learned more, I have grown, I have had experiences, I have changed my thoughts. I have made mistakes and learned from them. And it always continues.

It is OKAY to not be okay. It’s okay to be unproductive. It’s okay to take a day off, and rest, and fill your day simply by existing.

Mental health is just as important and just as much of a priority as physical health. It’s all connected. Nourish yourself.

Set your boundaries. Take space. I cannot constantly live my life living for others’ comfort from breaking my own. This is something that takes practice.

We have the power to reinvent what it means to live. How we want to live.

It’s always good to appreciate what we do have. And if we want something, it’s okay to pursue that, too.

I am unpacking and uprooting from many habits in my life including letting fear overcome.

When pointing fingers, sometimes we need point them back at ourselves too. Think about how we’re complicit, too.

We can forgive but it is hard to forget. I have to remember this about others who I have hurt, too.

I need to continue to take action in so many ways including understanding more about the core of who we are and why we are the way we are.

There are so many things going on around us. We are always going to be figuring it out, really, but as long as we are there for ourselves, we will be okay. It’s important to have a support system, too, and it’s okay to ask for help and be vulnerable. Sometimes that’s the best thing we can do.

People come and go, but they are always valuable. Their existence is always worthy, and I have grown as a result of it. And I’m very grateful to them. I hold no resentment. Or am working on it, on healing.

People’s stories are their own. Our stories of them are just that – our stories. Always remember we don’t fully understand theirs. We all feel, see, understand, experience life differently.  

Love is everywhere. Love is in all of us. We can love people fully, because there are so many ways to love and be with other people without it being the idealized kind of love we have been taught.

Sometimes we don’t get the love we want. That’s okay. Love is always going to be found out there, and right here.

Every day is a blessing. Every day I am growing, and growth is both effortless and effortful.

I will always be learning, until the day I’m buried. Everything around us is a teacher, that’s a beautiful thing.

Remember to breathe, love.

Believe in yourself, and take it easy.

Rest, release, relearn, resist. You got this. 💗