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My journey of hair and personal growth, & my takeaways

July 15, 2020 1

Summary: In this video I explain in ASL with English captions a little bit about my hair/confidence journey from when I went bald. You will…

pull the sheepskin back, my love – I still am, too

July 11, 2020 0

07/09/2016 My perspective on life is continually changing. all the beauty amid the tragedy. it’s all up to us to recognize it, the overlap of…

the blessing of being

July 6, 2020 0

I am me. This is my existence and my inner child is still learning and unlearning. My consciousness is made up of many layers, of…

little pieces from me to you

May 28, 2019 0

Funnily enough, unraveling my words like a red carpet for an exquisite audience, for eyes that will step upon those intricate threads of thoughts… it…

awareness in auto

May 28, 2019 0

you know, every day we inhabit this ship that bends joints, locks jaws on things that we then ingest, observes and processes, and… you know,…

what poetry does to me

February 6, 2019 0

vessels of passion cracked open written for ENG 395 released, this lingering taste of euphoria blazes amongst this invisible darkness and it devours my veins….

life with a slice of lyme

April 9, 2018 0

this is how I feel inside,
and this is what you see.
my mind and body has cracked,
and I am trying to mend.
we must remember
so much of the human experience
is left invisible.